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Part 2 of our Feb 8th men's event includes a road trip together to the Hand of Man museum of Natural History, Cultural Arts & Conservation. This extensive gallery features is the vast and fascinating personal collection of legendary hunter and Vancouver Island resident, Jim Shockey, and includes historical artifacts, ancient cultural arts and tools, dinosaur bones and exhibitions, as well as impressive displays of local and exotic animals from around the world. 

  • We will leave together at 10am and return early evening 
  • Everyone is on their own to pay the museum entry fee ($20) and meals on road trip 
  • The museum is located in Maple Bay (North Cowichan), which is almost 2 hours from Comox 
  • The road trip will be a fun opportunity for connection and conversation
  • We will plan to carpool. In the selection below, please let us know if you are happy to be a passenger or prefer to be a driver (and how many you can bring with you in your vehicle). 
  • Passengers will be charged $20 each to go toward the cost of gas 