It’s Over. I’m leaving. 

As I write this, the first night of the Marriage Course is wrapping up and I’m leaving shortly to go home. :) What an excellent start to what is going to be a GREAT course. The room was full. Full of couples committed to working at their marriages. WAY TO GO friends. Keep on!

We have talked a lot about marriage relationships lately, throughout the Genesis series we learned about the first couple, God’s intention for family when He created Adam and Eve, etc. And now, we’re full steam ahead into our “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” Series, and our first topic? Marriage! Here’s the thing: we’re gonna keep talking about strengthening our relationships in the home because we recognize that if this was God’s original and best plan for Kingdom multiplication and discipleship in the beginning, it’s still the best plan now. 

We actually don’t have to look too far and try too hard to see what happens when marriage and family are not a priority. We currently have one of the largest ‘fatherless’ generations We. Have. Ever. Known. There is endless brokenness in the world behind closed doors. Sometimes it’s on public display (social media, etc), sometimes it’s very secret and no one else knows. No matter whether it’s hidden or public, what we do end up seeing is the results of it in the children and teens in our communities. We see pain, anxiety, outbursts, questioning who they are, not knowing their value, etc.

We are so very blessed to have lots and lots of amazing families in our church family. But let’s face it, none of us have the perfect marriage. Even the strongest of relationships go through rough waters. And there are many who are really struggling. The goal isn’t perfection here. It’s authentic and loving relationships that rely on the Spirit to empower them daily. The fruit of the SPIRIT is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Isn’t it encouraging to have the Spirit’s help?! (Gal 5:22-23)

Imagine what our Comox Valley would look like if the Church was filled with marriages that are committed to keeping Christ at the center of their relationships and homes, empowered by the Spirit to love each other and their children, to raise them up in their God-given identities and to be lovers of Jesus? Filled with spouses that call out the best in one another, repent to one another when they are wrong, and lean on Jesus daily together? I think it’d be transformational for our church! It’d be transformational for our city! We’re off to a really good start already. But I know that there is room for each of us to grow and strengthen these vital relationships. How do I know? Because Mike and I are real people who are a real married couple who go through real life too   

If your marriage relationship is in a really good place right now? Keep working at it. And if you’re struggling to keep your relationship afloat, there is hope. It takes courage to reach out for help, but it’s worth it. Take heart and have courage. 

We believe in you. We are with you and we are praying for you. 

Pastor Laura