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Dearly Beloved...

Happy Thanksgiving weekend! Thanksgiving, a holiday dedicated to gratitude, what a beautiful concept; a time to look back, remember and be grateful. The bible is full of themes of thankfulness, gratitude, reflecting and remembering. “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago,” Psalm 77:11
I read recently that “an attitude of thanksgiving is the only effective inoculation against entitlement and pride.” Does that mean that if we lack thanksgiving we are prone to entitlement and pride? I do believe so. When we lose sight of what we are thankful for our ‘rights’ or pride become the filter through which we see the things, people, etc around us. Eww!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught myself with the ‘ailment’ of pride and entitlement. Do you know what? Thanksgiving squashes. It. Every. Time. How? Thanksgiving reminds us that life is a GIFT, the things we have are GIFTS, the people in our lives are GIFTS – albeit some are tricky gifts sometimes! -  and these gifts are given to us by God. Thanksgiving forces us to acknowledge the gift Giver; it forces us into the humble position of the gift receiver. It also allows us to see the beauty in everything and everyone. 
Don’t forget to remember this Thanksgiving. Remember all that the Lord has done. Is there an area of life, a circumstance, a person, or a thing that has been really just irking you to no end? Begin thanking Jesus for it. Like, a lot. Thank Him for every little thing about it. See if you can think of 5 things about it/them that you’re thankful for. Then 5 more! Pay attention to how your heart responds. God is just so good, you may find yourself all of a sudden with a renewed patience, or a creative solution, or a resolve to connect. Trust me, you’ll be thankful you did. :) 
As I was recalling the good deeds of the Lord this week I found myself laughing for joy to be here, in the Comox Valley, with you. Thank you, Jesus, for all your many blessings! 
With love, peace and pumpkin pie, 
Pastor Laura