Comox Pentecostal Church actively supports a number of amazing families who have dedicated their lives to serving Jesus and caring for peoplein other countries all over the world. Please take some time to click on the pictures below to read about these missionaries and their work and consider partnering with us in supporting them financially. 

Please pray for continued protection and ministry growth for these global workers, and that Jesus' name would reach every person on the planet through the noble work of missions.

Philip & Judy Bowler    Philip & Judy Bowler Location: Senegal, Africa

Dan & Mardell MacTavish    Dan & Mardell MacTavish Location: Eurasia

Sarah & Christo Emmanuel    Sarah & Christo Emmanuel Location: India, SE Asia

Matthew & Amber Price   Matt & Amber Price Location: Thailand

Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio   Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio Location: Zambia, Africa

Click the following link to find out more about PAOC Missions on the PAOC website.

CPC also supports the Prem Sewa Shikshan Sangh (school for boys) in India; Jonathan & Vera W. and other global workers in Restricted Access Nations or R.A.N. locations where it can be dangerous to the mission and workers to disclose too many details. Though we can't share much, these people still need our prayer and support.

In addition to supporting individual global workers, this church also supports important organizations that are doing amazing work all over the world. Organizations such as: 

 Image result for global emergency missions societyGlobal Emergency Missions Society

Image result for samaritans purse canadaSamaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child