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Do you think I have a religious spirit? 

The word 'religion' isn't all that popular. And the term 'religious spirit' has come to mean legalism. 

Contrast this with the words of James 1.27: 

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

In the last several weeks 8 people from our church family (including myself!) were privileged to be part of two teams that went on missions trips to Guatemala. What all 8 of us were able to witness was James 1.27 in action. 

The ministry and impact of the James Project at the Shadow of His Wings care centre was astonishing to behold. 

Guatemala is a Central American nation of 17 million people and close to half the population lives on $1.50 per day. In a country where 40% of the people are aged 14 or under it is sad to hear that a UN representative said, "Guatemala is one of the worst places in the world to be a child." Reports reveal that at least 88% of crimes against children, including rape, kidnapping and murder, go unpunished. The social and economic conditions also mean there is great difficulty for women, especially if they are abandoned or have lost their husband. 

Into this setting, the James Project was formed 19 years ago to bring security, care, healing, education, and tangible hope to suffering children and women in Guatemala. What a tangible expression of the gospel of Jesus! Presently the Shadow of His Wings care centre houses 111 children and reaches into the surrounding community to serve disadvantaged women, the neglected, elderly and poor. 

To learn more about the James Project, visit their ministry website: 

To join others in CPC in sponsoring a child or woman through the James Project for $45/month, follow these steps: 

  1. Visit this webpage to view the profiles of children and women in need of sponsorship.
  2. Send the name(s) of the child or woman you would like to sponsor to Jennifer in our office at by March 27th. 

CPC will collect the sponsorship information and automated payments for all sponsorships through our church and forward the total monthly contribution to the James Project. 

If you decided to sponsor someone, you may have the opportunity to meet them in person on a future CPC missions trip to Shadow of His Wings, like the one we are planning for Spring Break 2025! 

Here is a picture of my son Jackson and I with Isaac, the boy Jackson has decided to sponsor.

We want to have a religious spirit! 

I'm sure you do too.

Pastor Mike