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This past Sunday we considered friendship and explored the biblical framework on this important subject. I hope you remember the lettuce :) 
Friendship is an essential element of our faith - especially in a time of pandemic. Did you know that in the Bible there is really no such thing as a 'personal faith'? Personal faith is a modern fallacy. Faith, to the Jewish people of the Old Testament and the Early Church of the New Testament was always a communal. This meant, faith was most legitimate if it was practiced with others. Good friendships are an essential part of our faith. That's why the lettuce framework of Hebrews 10.19-25 is so important to us today. 
I shared 5 friends every follow of Jesus needs. Let's fill in the blanks; it will be a good exercise for you. Consider the names of the people who would be in the respective blanks for you: 
1) Yourself ________
2) Spouse (if married, obviously!) _________
3) At least one close friend of the same gender who follows Jesus too _________ (this is the kind of friend Hebrews 10.19-25 is talking about).

4) At least one person of the same gender who doesn't know Jesus yet _________ 

5) God blank needed - His name is Jesus! 

Which friendships do you need to give more attention to developing right now? What can you do this week to grow that friendship? 

Let's get things shipshape! 
Pastor Mike