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Words are powerful, aren't they? Simply using the word "confidential" before writing my first sentences here probably caught some attention, created curiosity, or potentially even evoked some emotion of some kind. Words are powerful. Confidential is just one example. I'm sure you can think of many other single words or small phrases that cause enormous feelings or prompt significant actions.
Do you find that there are some things we are discovering in our Revelation series that cause enormous feelings or have the potential to prompt significant actions?
This past Sunday as we gave our attention to Revelation chapter 6 and the first 5 verses of chapter 8 (the seven seals). I hope you've read the text again this week. If you missed Sunday you can catch up here
One of the things we considered had to do with the power and potential of words. The seventh occurrence of the seal, the trumpet, and the bowl each concludes with a "heavenquake" - rumblings, thunder, & lightening in response to the majesty and power of God (echoing the display of the same from the throne room in 4.5). Observe: 

The Seventh Seal: Prayer, then Power. (8.3-5)
The Seventh Trumpet: Worship, then Power (11.15-19) 
The Sevent Bowl: God's Word, then Power (16.17-18)

Notice that: Prayer. Worship. God's Word. 
Resulting in displays of God's majesty and His powerful actions. 
Words are powerful. 
One of the few things that can pass between the seen and unseen realm are Words. 
It seems that under the Spirit's inspiration, John wanted the fledgling churches in those 7 cities to be reminded that in spite of the chaos that can crash in all around us, God's realm is accessed and His Earth-ward purposes through words. 
Your words are powerful. 
When you pray, it is powerful. 
When you worship, it is powerful. 
When you engage in God's Word, it is powerful.  
These are powerful only because God is powerful. 
This is one of the reasons we give extensive time when we're together on Sundays to Worship, Prayer & God's Word. This is one of the reasons Pastor Clay began introducing worship to our two youth services this past week (exciting!). 
Your words are powerful. 

When you pray, it is powerful. 
When you worship, it is powerful. 
When you engage in God's Word, it is powerful.  
Please don't keep it confidential. 
Pastor Mike
PS- Your homework (ew...there's a word most of us don't like... ha!) is to read Revelation 7 before Sunday. See you then!