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In last week's "Dearly Beloved" I elaborated The Stewardship & Future of our Building, one of our five 2021 Prayer Priorities. Today I want to take a moment for us to consider another: God's Vision for CPC
As we have shared in a variety of ways these past months (like this), we are on a track to discover fresh vision for our church. This process is vitally important for us. Organizations that have clear and shared vision have every opportunity to thrive. God is going to lead us there. 

So far our process has included: 
  • CPC SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) evaluation with Leadership Council
  • CPC SWOT discussion with Staff 
  • Town Hall discussion about what makes a great Leaders, Pastor, and Christian 
  • AGM discussion about our dreams for community impact 
Upcoming elements of our process include:
  • A "Wall of Wonder" exercise - considering our history 
  • Focus Group discussions - input from a variety of demographics 
  • Ongoing feedback from Leadership Council & Staff 
  • Vision Consultation and Leadership Coaching 
All through this process I am enjoying listening. Beneath all of the great contributions everyone brings to these conversations are underlying values and elements of vision. My job is to keep records of what you're saying, reflect and pray, and then work toward synthesizing and summarizing our values and vision. As we move from discovering vision into defining vision, we will find that our next stage is as important.

Implementation!  Together, we will work toward living out what God has call us as a church family to. We will align our energy, resources, building and ministries in order to see CPC fulfill the kind of dreams God has for it. 

Most importantly, this whole process must be covered in prayer. The last thing we want are a collection of great ideas that we have come up with. We don't want to write down CPC's vision, values and strategies one day without knowing that God was the one speaking, revealing, illuminating and leading in and through the process. 

Would you join me in praying regularly this year for God's Vision for CPC? 

Here are three things I would love for us to be praying for:
  1. For a vision from God that is bigger than us and what we can do
  2. For divine discernment of our values and strategies 
  3. For God's guidance through the vision process 

God, may YOUR Kingdom come, and YOUR will be done in and through CPC as it is in Heaven! 

Pastor Mike